August 18, 2016

I am back from a trip to visit family, and have many things to tend to this week.  I’ll write a newsletter next week once I’ve caught up.  Beth

Veggie list and veggie notes (August 18/19, week #14, purple EOW)

Sweet corn, 8 ears
Watermelon; red, orange, or yellow.
(If melon is small, we’ll include a muskmelon.)
Tomatoes, 4 lb, slicing tomatoes
Heirloom tomato, 1 – 2
Bell peppers, mixed colors, 2
Cucumber or pickles, ~1 lb
Zucchini or summer squash, ~1 lb
Walla Walla onions, 1 – 2
Garlic, 1 bulb
Basil (Thai or Italian, depending on site), small bunch

Some sites will get eggplant this week.
Some sites will get lettuce.
Some sites will get extra bell peppers.

Next week’s box will probably contain sweet corn, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, basil, onions and more.

Sweet corn – Don’t be surprised if there is a caterpillar at the tip of your corn ear.  Just cut off the tip.  These bugs come with the territory when growing organic sweet corn.
Garlic – This batch of organic garlic is from our friend John Hendrickson of Stone Circle Farm.
Cucumber/pickles – The cucumbers are pretty rough-looking this week, with more insect scarring than we like.  Nonetheless, they taste quite good, so we are packing them for you.  These are the last cukes from our second planting. The third planting will be ready to pick in a week or two, and the cukes will be pretty again.


Comforting Classics

Corn and Tomato Risotto
Summertime Paella
Greek Style Pasta Salad
Taco Salad

Outside the Box Recipes

Summer Squash Carpaccio
Sriracha Lime Corn Salad
Spiced Vegetable Dal
Roman Chicken and Peppers

Quick and Easy Meal Idea

Summer Squash and Tomato Sandwiches

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608-882-6196 (phone/fax),