Like folding a quilt
- On: June 12, 2013
‘Twas time to unveil the zucchini field this week. We’ve kept the plants under row cover to speed their growth, but now it’s time to remove the covers to allow bees to pollinate the flowers. Big sheets of row cover are unwieldy. Our largest ones measure 50 feet by 500 feet, and cover more than a half acre. Here’s how to remove one from a field.
Step 1. Choose a calm, dry day. Wet row cover is astonishly heavy. Wind will carry it away.
Step 2. Gather a group of workers. Fold the cover lengthwise to remove it from the field. Fold repeatedly until the bundle is about 5 feet across. As Clint says “It’s like folding a quilt … a very big quilt.”
Step 3. Start to roll it up. One person can begin the roll but two are better.
Step 4. Add more helpers. By now the roll is getting heavy. Roll it quickly to make use of momentum.
Step 5. Finish the roll and collapse for a bit. Someone will carry the roll back to the buildings by tractor.
Member etiquette: Please scratch your name off the checkoff list.
It helps our site hosts identify unclaimed boxes. Thanks.
Scallion Ideas.
We are very enthusiastic about scallions at our house. Here are our favorite uses:
Scallion biscuits
*Scallion dumplings
Scallion pancakes
*Penne, spinach, asparagus and cashew salad, with scallion dressing
Egg drop soup with spring greens, topped with sliced scallions
*Grilled scallion, asparagus and turnip salad
Sliced scallions are good on sandwiches and salads
Grilled beef bulgogi wrapped in lettuce leaves. Easily adapted to tofu.
Salmon patties with scallions
* indicates the recipe is in the archives on our website
Veggie List and Veggie Notes.
Asparagus, 1.3 lb
Escarole, 1 head
Spinach, 1 medium bunch
White salad turnips with greens
Red bibb lettuce
Scallions, 1 bunch
Kohlrabi with greens OR broccoli, about 1 lb
Next week’s box will probably contain asparagus, peas, strawberries?, zucchini?, Swiss chard or other greens, broccoli OR kohlrabi and more.
Escarole (large green head that looks like lettuce) – This member of the chicory family can be eaten raw or cooked. Its slightly bitter flavor is a good addition to mixed salads. It is excellent cooked alone or mixed with other greens. It cooks quickly, but not as quickly as spinach. Refrigerate.
Spinach (small bundle of dark green leaves) – This is probably most useful for salad this week, as the quantity is small and leaves are tender. They will wilt down substantially when cooked. Plus there are all the other greens (turnip, escarole, and for some members kohlrabi) for cooking this week.
White salad turnips with greens (bundle of white roots with tops) – The turnip greens are tender again this week, and are good for cooking. Cook like mustard greens. The turnip roots are more abundant this week. There is minor insect damage on the roots this week, so some will need trimming.
Kohlrabi (round, pale green exterior, crisp white interior) – Kolrabi is an unusual vegetable that I enjoy introducing to new CSA members because almost everyone likes it. Crunchy and sweet, it’s a great addition to salads. Storage: Kohlrabi bulbs will store for a month in the refrigerator. Uses: Kohlrabi are good peeled and eaten out of hand, or added to sandwiches. It is good mixed into salads, or prepared as a salad on it’s own. You can grate it, slice it, or cut it into matchsticks. It’s also good cooked. If you have it, the Asparagus to Zucchini cookbook has a long list of kohlrabi suggestions.
The kohlrabi greens are quite nice this week and can be cooked. Steve tried a new variety with smaller, more tender leaves. Texture and waxiness are similar to young kale or collards. Cut out the midvein before cooking.
Remember, recipes and menus will be posted on the Local Thyme website each Thursday afternoon. Contact us if you need help setting up your account on the Local Thyme website.