Next steps
- On: June 18, 2014
Let’s review our CSA delivery schedule for the week of July 4.
That’s the next green EOW delivery.
– Evansville, Madison, Middleton and Oregon deliveries will be on Thursday, July 3, as expected.
– Milwaukee area and Janesville deliveries will be on Thursday July 3 to avoid the July 4 holiday.
Strawberry U-Picks
Please read our emails for info about upcoming strawberry u-picks here at the farm.
Food Preservation Volunteers Needed at the Goodman Center in Madison
Tipi member Amy Mach coordinates this program, which allows you to learn new skills or put your current preservation skills to good use. Amy writes “Help preserve nature’s bounty as a volunteer in the Goodman Community Center’s food preservation program. No experience necessary! The Community Center is located on the eastside of Madison. The produce you preserve will fill the shelves of the Fritz food pantry with healthy local food. Last year, volunteers in this important program were able to can, dehydrate and freeze 3,000 pounds of local fruits and vegetables, helping to feed the 100+ families per week that our food pantry supports year-round. Enjoy a flexible schedule of one 3-4 hour shift per week. Choose between daytime, evening and weekend opportunities that fit your calendar!”
Attend one of their informational sessions. Each session is 2 hours long and includes new volunteer orientation.
June 19th at 3pm
June 30th at 5pm
Please RSVP to Amy Mach, amymach(at) or 608.241.1574 x227
Farm Progress
The tornados and severe storms missed our farm this week. I hope all of you are faring OK, and the storms missed you too.
We uncovered our zucchini and cucumber fields last week. We keep the plants under floating row cover in early spring to protect them from frost and to speed their growth. Of course, weeds also grow faster under row cover. They’re a cover crop as long as they don’t set seed, right? We tackled the weeds on Monday before the big storms. The squash plants are uncovered, the bees can pollinate the blossoms, and we’ll have squash for you next week. Beth
Steve cultivates the zucchini field. He moves along quickly. Steve and Michael were cultivating at the same time on Monday, a race to get the work done while the fields were still dry.
Clint, Peter and others follow up with hoes in the cucumber field. The tractor gets most weeds but never all of them.
Billy (and others) pick your strawberries.
Red Swiss chard. Steve plants rows of red, pink, yellow and white chard next to each other so we can easily make colorful bunches. This is its natural color, not Photoshopped.
Veggie List and Veggie Notes (6/19/2014, week #5, green EOW)
Strawberries, 1 quart or 2 pints
Asparagus, 1 lb
Snap peas, 1 lb
Snow peas, 1/4 lb
(The snap and snow peas are combined in one bag.)
Swiss chard, 1 medium bunch
Green leaf lettuce, 1
Green cabbage, 1, about 2 to 2.5 lb
Scallions, 1 large bunch
Garlic scapes
Next week’s box will probably contain strawberries, zucchini or summer squash, peas, napa cabbage, daikon radish, scallions, garlic scapes, rhubarb and more.
Strawberries! We’ve been waiting for these.
♦ Strawberries are perishable. Ripe berries should be eaten immediately, or stored in the refrigerator. Most berries are quite clean. If you want to clean your berries, rinse gently. Don’t soak them, just rinse. Do not be concerned if you receive a partially-filled container. Sometimes we fill them partially in order to distribute berries to all the members.
♦ Please recycle your strawberry containers this year. We no longer collect them for re-use.
Snap peas (plump pea pods) – These peas should be eaten pod and all. They are delicious raw, or very lightly cooked or stir-fried. They might need a quick rinse to remove faded gray blossoms. Store in the refrigerator. Here’s how to remove the strings from the snap peas. Snap off the stem end and pull the string down the concave side of the pod (the inward-curing side). Throw away the string and eat the pod.
Snow peas (flat pea pods) – These are excellent stir fried or in raw salads. The thicker pea pods will usually have two strings along the edges. Remove them when you snap the stem off.
Swiss chard (pretty bundle of greens with mixed-color stems) – This is a close relative of spinach, but requires a bit more cooking. Use as a substitute in any recipe that calls for spinach, just cook the chard a little longer. Both stems and leaves are delicious. The stems requite longer cooking, so cut them free from the leaves when preparing. That allows you to cook the stems longer.
Cabbage – This ia a nice salad-type that we grow in summer. Don’t you love the pointy shape? It has thinner, more tender leaves than the usual green cabbage. Great in salads and slaws but can also be cooked. Most of this week’s cabbage weigh between 2 and 2.5 lb.
Garlic scapes (curly green things) – Garlic scapes grow at the top of garlic plants. They look like flower buds but are actually clusters of tiny bulblets. It’s important to snap off the young scapes to direct the plants’ energy into forming garlic bulbs underground. Use scapes as a substitute for garlic cloves. They can be minced, mixed with olive oil, and added to stir fries or simple pasta dishes. The scapes can be sautéed, but will not brown like garlic cloves. Expect them to retain their crunch even when cooked, and to be milder than garlic cloves, closer in pungency to the green garlic we’ve sent.
Most of the scapes are from John Hendrickson of Stone Circle Farm who grows organic garlic for our CSA. We planted a small field of garlic last fall, providing more scapes.