Pretty edges
- On: August 06, 2014
There are some lovely places on the lands surrounding our farm. Let’s take a look.
Purple prairie clover flowers, with dangling side-oats grama in the background.
Our neighbors planted a prairie strip along the border between our farms about five years ago. They said “We thought you wouldn’t mind.” They know our farm is certified organic. At 150 feet in width, the prairie strip is a substantial buffer for our crops. It’s a fascinating place to visit, even in winter.
The prairie strip overlooks hunting grounds managed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
The DNR contracts with local farmers to grow sunflowers on some of those public lands. The sunflowers won’t be harvested. Instead, they will be left in the field to provide food for wildlife in fall and winter. See the DNR website for an article about annual crops that are useful for feeding wildlife. The article states that “sunflower seeds won’t last into the winter … as they are heartily feasted upon by ravenous songbirds during fall migrations.”
The sunflowers are so vivid at full bloom.
I’m back from vacation …
and ready to take emails again. Thank you, everyone, for limiting your emails while the kids and I were away. Steve is very busy while we are gone. It’s feels crazy to leave the farm for ten days at the height of the season. However, both our families live on the east coast. This summer trip allows our children to see their relatives more than once per year. I could not leave for that long with help from Steve and Kerry, my right-hand-woman in running the CSA. I appreciate their help so much.
Veggie List and Veggie Notes (8/7/14, week#12, purple EOW)
Red watermelon
Red slicing tomatoes, 2 to 2.5 lb
Red bell OR frying peppers, 2 or 3
Sweet corn, about 3 ears
Green beans, 1/2 lb
Carrots, 2 lb
Collards, 1 bunch
‘Summercrisp’ lettuce
White onion, 1
Red onion, 1
Cucumbers, about 2
Basil, 1 sprig
As long as we can fit them in the box, we will also send …
Zucchini & summer squash, 2 pieces
Next week, we hope to send melon, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, sweet corn, beans, onions, cucumbers, an herb and more.
Sweet corn – Much of this week’s corn is from a new planting, and the ears are on the young side. It won’t need much cooking. It was an exacting harvest and there may be some underripe ears mixed in. Our apologies in advance if you get one of them.
Collard greens – Summer greens are tougher than greens harvested during cool spring weather. Cook these longer than the spring collards.
Onions – We’ve sent a yellow Walla Walla onion for raw eating, plus a red onion for raw or cooked dishes. The red onion should fry nicely.
Cucumbers – We have a small planting of a new, white cucumber called ‘Silver Slicer.’ It is interesting and tasty. We don’t have enough for everyone this week, but we will try to distribute them to all the sites over the next few weeks.
One traditional green cucumber and two ‘Silver Slicer’ cucumbers.