U-Pick Organic Plum Tomatoes

Email notification of upcoming u-picks

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Reservation required

Plum/ Italian/ paste tomatoes are useful for sauce, canning and freezing. The u-pick tomatoes will be ripe and ready to process.

DATE/TIME: Saturday Aug. 24, 9:00 – 11:00 am
RAIN DATE, to be held only if we cancel Aug 24 due to weather: Sunday Aug. 25, 9:00 – 11:00 am
Follow our Facebook page for updates.

Payment by cash or check.  No credit cards (yet).  No Venmo.

Beth and Steve


Reservations are required.
It helps us manage the picks.  Please do not come to the farm without a reservation.

Payment by cash or check.  No credit cards (yet).  No Venmo.

Park on the north side of our country road (the side toward our farm.)  Please get out and check the ditch before pulling off the road.  Some of the ditches are steep and there’s been a lot of rain.

Please bring containers to take your tomatoes home.  If you forget (or are pick ambitiously), we will have empty boxes for sale.

Our facilities are not handicap accessible.

Your responsibilities
–  Please keep your children with you.  There are a variety of dangers on a farm.
–  Come prepared for the weather.  Check the forecast before leaving home.  Wherever you live, it will hotter/colder/wetter/drier here at the farm.   
–  We have beehives.  Our beekeeper cautions that you should avoid scented products when you visit, especially ones that resemble flowers or food because those may attract the bees.  Think about your soap, sunscreen etc.
–  Do not bring dogs to the farm.

What do I need to bring?
Bring your containers.  Wear your sunscreen.  Bring water and a hat.  We recommend sensible shoes.  

What do I do once I’ve finished picking?
Bring your cash or checkbook to the field with you.  Once you’re done picking, go to the table or truck at one end of the field to pay.  

Lightning and tornados 
It is OK to continue picking if it rains, but everyone must get out of the fields if there is lightning.  You can take shelter in your cars, or in the open shed attached to the big barn.  It is at the end of the barn furthest from the road and the doors will be open.  We do not have shelter from tornados and you will have to use your own judgment.

How many u-picks will you host?
This is probably the only tomato u-pick for the year.

What are the hours?
Check your u-pick reservation for your arrival time, as well as the farm closing time for that date.  

Can I bring food to the fields?
No. For food safety reasons, we cannot allow food in the field.  

Can I bring dogs to the farm?

If I show up without a reservation, will I be able to pick?

Am I going to love the tomatoes?


We recommend 5 gallon pails for picking. Each pail holds about 20 lb tomatoes.

© Copyright Tipi Produce
14706 W. Ahara Rd., Evansville, WI 53536
608-882-6196 (phone/fax), email hidden; JavaScript is required